At the beginning of my teaching career I saw this awesome fellow teacher who was a master puppeteer. She knew exactly what she was doing and the kids were literally glued to their seats and listened to e-v-e-r-y word she said and answered ALL the questions the puppets asked them (yea, she had two puppets! :o! ). I was completely hooked and thought "man, this is so amazing! I gotta do this!!" I went out, totally motivated and happy, buying all the stuff I could find to set up a great scene. I got to the classroom with my 3year old kids (18 of them), was sooo looking forward to this and thought they are going to looove this and took out my puppet: "HELLOOOOO, my name is Waldo (it was a dog). What's your name??" What I expected was something like "My name is Maya".. boy, was I wrong! What happened? The kids jumped up, tearing the ears of the dog, hitting it on the head, tearing the tail and hitting some more... So I silently put it back i