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Showing posts from October, 2016

Outline of a kids lesson

This week I sat down with one of my trainees and we discussed how a lesson for small children should look like. She will take over a class of 3yo. Our lessons are 90 minutes long and this is what we came up with. This plan is one that she will keep for the rest of the year, just changing up the   songs, games and activities for each lesson. Cuts down planning time quite a bit. 1. Routine: Circle time: - singing hello song - asking "how are you", always adding more feelings throughout the year - weather chart - once they are a bit older, the today's day - TPR - show the children a box with a puppet inside (the puppet is scared when there is too much noise, so they have to be quiet in order for it to come out of the box. And of course, it only speaks English!) - have a conversation with the puppet and with the kids (good time to repeat old vocab and questions and get the kids talking) - repetition of old topics through old song, vocab game etc - repetition of l

Animal papercups

My fellow teacher, Christine has shared those wonderful pictures of her ESL kids class with our facebook group. What a great idea! (Thanks again, Christine ;) ) When I saw the cups, it reminded of this game where you have 3 cups and somebody hides a ball under one of them, switches them around and you have to guess where the ball is (and in most cases it is not where you believe it is!). That would be a great activity for the kids. Make paper cups with animals, hide a ball, mix things up and then the child has to say "It's under the cow" or "It's under the lion". Or if they are capable of more, they can make longer sentences such as 'the ball is under the cow).