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Showing posts from July, 2016

Dice game

I played this game with a group of kids yesterday and they totally loved it. All you need is a die, blank paper and pencils. We did it with the snowman topic, but it can be played with other topics as well. The goal of the game is that the children should draw a complete snowman. BUT it's not that easy. They have to role the die and are only allowed to draw one part at a time. For example nk emotico They have to role the die and are only allowed to draw one part at a time. For example 1 = body 1= head     2 = eyes     3 = nose     4 = mouth     5 = arms     6 = hat Now one child throws the die and lands on 3, so the child is allowed to draw a nose (even though nothing else is on the paper yet, not even the body). Next time the child throws the die again and it lands on 5, it's allowed to draw the arms. If it lands again on a 3 - no drawing. The child who is able to finish his or her snowman first, wins. There can be some pretty funny drawings later on, since some of the pr

Labelling children

picture from:smartteachersblog I came across this blog post about labelling children and the consequences (you can read the article here: ) This reminded me of a case of a young child that sticks in my head for many years now. And I always love to tell his story, when I give workshops on classroom managment. How often do you come to the teachers' lounge and you hear teachers discussing a certain child and how their behavior is incredibly disrupting or how slow this child is or how funny this kid thinks he is? And how often do you find yourself treating this very child as neutral as all the others when you have to teach him? As a teacher trainer I don't know all the children that my teachers are teaching. They let me know when they have a problem with a child so I can give them advice on how to deal with him or her. Funny, that you barely never hear about how great a child is ... Anyhow, I a